Viking Supply Ships ABs valberedning utsedd - Nasdaq


Viking Supply Ships B Aktie - Dagens Industri

Viking Supply Ships. October 8, 2020 ·. Loke Viking and Njord Viking on a rig-move together with Maersk Lancer. The rig WilPhoenix is leaving Invergordon and heading out to the North Sea on a … Köp aktien Viking Supply Ships AB ser. B (VSSAB B). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid Viking Supply Ships AB (publ) Interim Report Q3 2020.

Viking supply ships

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Viking Supply Ships ökar rörelseförlusten Rederiet Viking Supply Ships redovisar minskande omsättning under andra kvartalet jämfört med samma period året innan. Bolaget rapporterar också ökad … Shareholders of Viking Supply Ships AB (publ) are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, April 29, 2021.. In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the Board of Directors has decided that the Annual General Meeting shall be held without physical presence of shareholders, proxies and/or external parties and that the shareholders shall have the Viking Supply Ships, Kristiansand, Norway. 4,845 likes · 31 talking about this · 15 were here. Viking Supply Ships' focus is on the harsh environment offshore market. The company operates a fleet of Viking Supply Ships AS owns and operates anchor handling vessels. Its activities include providing platform supply vessels and North Sea standard barges.

Viking Supply Ships - Startsida Facebook

The company operates a fleet of Viking Supply Ships (VSS) core business is within the Offshore and Offshore/Icebreaking segment on a World Wide basis. The fleet comprises of 3 AHTS/Icebreakers, 4 Ice classed AHTS along with one Viking Supply Ships, a shipping company, provides offshore and icebreaking services to oil-prospecting customers in the North Sea, Arctic and Subarctic waters. It operates through four segments: Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels (AHTS), Platform Supply Vessels (PSV), Services, and Ship Management.

Viking Supply Ships AB - 556161-0113 - Gratis årsredovisning

Viking Supply Ships tvingas betala ett vite om 600.000 kronor till Nasdaq Stockholms Disciplinnämnd för försenad rapport. 14 augusti 2018 VSS säljer ytterligare – aktien rusar.

Viking supply ships

Viking Supply Ships We are part of the Viking Supply Ships group, listed at Nasdaq OMX in Stockholm. To read more about their services, please enter their website. Viking SupplyNet. Everything you need in fire protection from one name. Viking SupplyNet links together all of the essential elements to provide seamless, complete solutions for contractors. It's all here. Everywhere you need us to be.
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Viking Supply Ships meddelade under eftermiddagen att bolagets delårsrapport kommer släppas under fredagen. Nasdaqs pressjour kunde vid 16.20-tiden på torsdagen inte ge någon ny kommentar kring om när det är aktuellt att lyfta handelsstoppet.

2015 var ett tungt år för koncernen som tidigare hette Rederi AB Transatlantic.
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2018-01-25 08:30 Viking Supply Ships B: Omvänd split

Namnändringar och notering på lista. År. Kommentarer. B-aktien är noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm (Nordiska listan) 2015. Namnändring från Rederi AB Transatlantic till Viking Supply Ships AB 24 april.

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Viking Supply Ships AB - 556161-0113 - Gratis årsredovisning

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