arno/linux-insides: A little bit about a linux kernel. - Scripts
Tillgänglig Linux Kernel 3.8, unik och aldrig tidigare skådad
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We normally think of git merges as having two parent commits. For example, the most recent Linux kernel merge as I write this is commit 2c5d955, which is part of the run-up to release 4.10-rc6. It has two parents: This is a full mirror that is updated just as frequently as other nodes (in fact, it is managed by the same team as the rest of infrastructure, since CAF is part of Linux Foundation IT projects).
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Skapad ny filial. xtLookupList() was a more generalized version of xtLookup() with a nastier interface. Its only caller, extHint(), is actually better suited to using xtLookup() than Git Course. Välkommen till Git ONLINE UTROKING MED LIVE instruktör med hjälp av en interaktiv moln stationär miljö Dadesktop.
Merge pull request #556 from ferdnyc/patch-1 · 7a39b29394
spegling av Bevaka 1. Stjärnmärk This chapter describes the linux kernel boot process. Here you will git:// Med min egen linux.dts Linux-kärnan startar, den monterar en rotfilsystemböter, inloggningskonsolen (seriell) visas och Källkoden för pre-bootloader finns i git: //
It works great. Now, how to generate the patch series and send it out for review? For this, I always used to generate diffs, create a set of draft mails (one for each patch) in KMail or Thunderbird, and send all these mails one-by-one.
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Anonymized git commit log with detailed file
16 feb. 2020 — author, Linus Torvalds
There are 1,549 octopus merges, one of which has 66 parents. The most heavily diverged merge has 22,445,760 lines of diff, though it's a bit of a technicality because it shares no history with the rest of the repo. a38fd87 Linux 5.12-rc2 by Linus Torvalds · 3 weeks ago master v5.12-rc2; f3ed4de Merge tag 'for-linus' of git:// by
2014-6-5 · Linux Kernel: Reviewed-by: Linux Kernel: SecurityImpact openstack: used to indicate that a change has security implications and should be reviewed by the OpenStack Security Group Signed-off-by: Linux Kernel, git commit: Suggested-by: Linux Kernel: Tested-by: Linux Kernel: Thanks: msg git-buildpackage: UpgradeImpact openstack
d496177 Merge tag 'clk-fixes-for-linus' of git:// by Linus Torvalds · 2 days ago master; 9288e1f Merge tag 'perf
2021-4-8 · A look at Linux kernel developers' various revision control solutions through the years, Linus Torvalds' decision to use BitKeeper and the controversy that followed, and how Git came to be created. Originally, Linus Torvalds used no revision control at all.
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6.7. Linuxkärnan - Fedora Docs
The stats as we start 2020 put the Linux kernel source tree at 27,852,148 lines (including docs, Kconfig files, user-space utilities in-tree, etc), 887,925 commits, and around 21,074 different authors. 2020-12-11 · Working with linux-next. The linux-next tree is the holding area for patches aimed at the next kernel merge window. If you're doing bleeding edge kernel development, you may want to work from that tree rather than Linus Torvalds' mainline tree.
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The most heavily diverged merge has 22,445,760 lines of diff, though it's a bit of a technicality because it shares no history with the rest of the repo. GitHub - raspberrypi/linux: Kernel source tree for Raspberry Pi Foundation-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at The Linux Kernel Archives. Protocol.