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Moratorium basically means you can choose not to pay your Credit Card dues for that time period and no late payment fees will be charged. It is not a concession of any kind and is simply a deferment of the payment to provide some relief to Cardholders facing financial/liquidity issues. So, your credit utilisation ratio (CUR), one of the determinants of your credit score, is likely to remain high during the moratorium period-something that may hurt your credit score. Highlights.
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Untuk sebarang informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi AEON Credit di laman web mereka di www.aeoncredit.com.my Pursuant to article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, a temporary moratorium has been established to be applied by credit and financial institutions on credit facilities, to support economically vulnerable persons who have been materially affected by the exceptional circumstances brought about byCOVID-19 outbreak. AEON Credit is a Non-Bank Credit provider. This does not fall under the recent Bank Negara announcement to offer 6 months deferment of payment (Moratorium). The 1 month deferment is offered to ease the burden of our customers during this situation. 2. … It’s normal to build up a credit over the summer months.
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The moratorium announced by the RBI is a relief measure for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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