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MY200LX - ESD Center
De nya MY300HX och MY300EX IslandSMT – Your Service Destination For SMT Parts, Service, Testing Review (mpn: MY100-MY200 for sale) MY100-MY200 GLEITMO 585K Rail Grease 370G Tube Gun Mycronic FUCHS Delivers lubricant at pressures up to 10, 000 pounds per square inch psi a rate of 1 oz. Owing to the white coloration, GLEITMO 585 k is also used in applications involving clean conditions, amongst others textile and paper processing filling packaging machines. Kontakter på Mycronic: Robert Göthner VP SMT, Assembly Solutions Tel: +46 8 638 52 00 Simon Sandgren Marketing Director Assembly Solutions Tel: +46 8 638 52 00 Om Mycronic AB Mycronic AB är ett högteknologiskt företag som utvecklar, tillverkar och marknadsför produktionsutrustning med höga krav på precision och flexibilitet till Mycronic My9 Pick & Place Manufacturer: Mycronic Model: My9 Year: 1998 Reference No.: 218CC SW Version: TPSys 3.3.2 Details: Electrical Two-Pole Test Electrical Transistor Test Optical Centering Conveyor Shared Databases HYRDA Electrical Measurement Z High Speed Hydra High Speed Autoteach Linescan for Z Pre-Pick Inspection Line Mode HYDRA Large Component Range Condition: Complete & Operational Together with the MY200 pick-and-place platform, Mycronic offers a flexible and versatile total assembly solution for large-board applications. Reaching new heights in productivity Visitors to the Mycronic booth will be encouraged to engage with a range of innovative new ways to close productivity gaps not just on the shop floor, but throughout the entire processes in the factories. Mycronic introducerar ny funktionalitet för nästa generations materialhantering och jet printing av stora kretskort tis, feb 24, 2015 16:00 CET. Täby den 24 februari, 2015 – Mycronic AB (publ) lanserar två nya smarta lösningar för elektronisk materialhantering och för hantering av stora kretskort på mässan IPC APEX, 24-26 februari MY200 series specification Contact Mycronic sales for detailed customization information. (2) Depending on mounthead, mount tool, package, and production altitude. Täby, 15 maj, 2017 - Mycronic AB (publ) lanserar en ny serie kompakta, högpresterande ytmonteringsmaskiner på SMT Hybrid Packaging i Nürnberg, Tyskland, 16-18 maj, 2017.
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Rigid machine frames, precise mounthead technology and Automatic Thermal Adaption ensure excellent accuracy under all operating conditions, and for all components. MY200 series specification – MY200DX PLACEMENT SPEEd ANd ACCurACy SySTEM FEATurES placeMent SpeeD anD accuracY – MY200DX 10/14 Rated speed (1)40 000 CPH IPC 9850 chip net throughput (2, 3)32 000 CPH IPC 9850 chip tact time (3)0.103 s IPC 9850 chip repeatability 3 (X, Y, Theta) (3)30 μm, 1.8° (6) MY200 series specification – MY200LX Mycronic AB PO Box 3141 Nytorpsvägen 9 SE-183 03 Täby Sweden Tel: +46 8 638 52 00 Fax: +46 8 638 52 90 GERMANY Mycronic GmbH The MY200-series contains new and advanced technologies, that give our customers higher throughput, higher accuracy and improved line utilization. The major improvements on the new machine series include a new high-performance component inspection and positioning system – Linescan Vision System 3, and a new high-speed mount head for highly At Mycronic, we are at the forefront of the electronics industry, creating world-leading production solutions for the electronics assembly, display and packaging industries. Solutions that are turning countless innovations into reality every day. Whether it is an impossibly beautiful display, a life-saving medical implant or the next interplanetary space technology – we are there.
Full fart framåt hos Mycronic – Elektroniktidningen
MY200 och Heller 1809 MK III i tillverkningsprocessen är en PaP-maskin MY200. (Mycronic, 2015 c).
Full fart framåt hos Mycronic – Elektroniktidningen
Mycronic MY300 SX-15 and Mycronic MY200 LX-14 Vision. Vision systems are key components of any machine that places components.
Whether it is an impossibly beautiful display, a life-saving medical implant or the next interplanetary space technology – we are there. When
Make: Mycronic Model: My200 DX10 Vintage: 2016 Reference No.: 230CC SW Version: TPSys 3.3.2 Hours: On time: <700 days.
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Placement time: < 200 days Details: Electrical Two-Pole Test Electrical Transistor Test Optical Centering Conveyor Shared Databases HYRDA Electrical Measurement Z High Speed Hydra High Speed Autoteach Linescan for Z Line Mode First Place Sequence HYDRA Large … Newly Installed MyCronic MY200 Allied Component Works and affiliate Custom Electronics Company now offer SMT capabilities unsurpassed in Maryland with installation of a new MyCronic MY200. The MY200 SMT pick and place machine, equipped with advanced hydra placement system and line scan camera, is capable of extremely high speed assembly. 2021-04-08 Mydata My200 DX-14 or My300DX-14. Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders.
Rigid machine frames, precise mounthead technology and Automatic Thermal Adaption ensure excellent accuracy under all operating conditions, and for all components.
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MY200LX - ESD Center
Mydata My200 DX-14 or My300DX-14. Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders. Immediate need for Mydata/Mycronic My200 or My300 DX-14 pick and place.
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Our product portfolio contains Pick&Place machines, Jet-printing machines and component storage towers. Täby, Sweden.