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Besök inlägget om du vill veta mer. Integritet och cookies: Den här webbplatsen använder cookies. Genom att fortsätta använda den här webbplatsen godkänner du deras användning. TouchDevelop is an online app creation tool from Microsoft Research. Originally designed to develop Windows Phone 7 apps, TouchDevelop has recently been updated as a web app and now allows you to develop Windows Store apps suitable for Windows 8 touch screen devices.

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Efter några presentationer sker runda-bordssamtal sedan fortsätter mini-föreläsningarna. Denna kväll var det 10 pedagoger som anmält att de ville inspirera andra. “At TeachMeet Nottingham, March 2012, a statement “digital native isn’t” was shared during a ‘TeachMeet 100 ideas’ exercise. The meaning of this was slightly unpicked, and I understood it as an explanation that today’s children do not have a natural ability to use new technologies. Förra veckan genomfördes ett TeachMeet på Apelskolan. Tio pedagoger tipsade om hur de använt/använder digitala resurser. Vi filmade inte deras presentationer men här kommer en kort sammanfattning med länkar där ni kan hitta mer om respektive app/digital resurs.

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2013-09-15 · My Standards App. Certificates. Hosting a TeachMeet: Checklist TMWA logo 2 Welcome.

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Find more tools for supporting writing on Helen’s Pinterest boards. TeachMeet Sebastian presenting his Rainforests app to the Teachmeet I was joined at the Teachmeet by Sebastian, my deputy head of department. He has made great use of the website since being introduced to it at the Teachmeet, using quizzes with groups ranging from year 4 students visiting from a local primary school right up to our A level Teachmeet involvement (again!) and. Any Android or non Apple apps users to contact me so future GA lists could be more representative of the range of devices teachers may encounter. I encouraged people on my table to contact me so I could share geography app presentations used previously that included ideas suitable for primary and secondary use.

Teachmeet app

Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. A TeachMeet is an organized but informal meeting for teachers and leaders to share best practices, teaching innovations and personal experiences of teaching. This is a free event! Educators volunteer to present prior to the event on a strategy they have implemented over the past year, or on a product that has enhanced their classroom practice What is a TeachMeet According to Wikipedia: “A TeachMeet is an organised but informal meeting (in the style of an unconference) for teachers to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights in teaching with technology. These events are often organised to coincide with other educational events like the Scottish Learning A TeachMeet is organised for those who want to listen to inspiring teachers who do amazing things in their classrooms every day.
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A TeachMeet is organised for those who want to listen to inspiring teachers who do amazing things in their classrooms every day. It is also an opportunity to network, share ideas and join in a growing community of Teachers on Twitter. A TeachMeet is a model of teacher-driven professional learning that harnesses the dynamic energy that naturally comes in a gathering of passionate teachers. The session is designed to have a teacher as the host, the presenters are drawn from the participants, they create short and sharp presentations and a clear focus on the professional dialogue of a given topic.

Vid det sista nätverksmötet arrangerade lärspridare på skolan ett Teachmeet där det fanns möjlighet att ta del av olika delar i skolans utvecklingsarbete med allt från pedagogiskt arbete med iPad, lärandemiljöer i Google Apps, interaktiva tavlor och praktiskt arbete med iWork.
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Lärstämman Hjo 14 Juni 2013 by Dominic Summerton - Prezi

Professional learning for educators, by educators! TeachMeets are an opportunity for educators to share ideas, practices, resources, strategies, and more in a supportive, relaxed environment. Anyone can present- even you!

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8 Teachmeet SV SPRÅK ideas this or that questions

An Afrikaans Dictionary app is now  Twinkl Hong Kong TeachMeet | A TeachMeet is an informal conference-style meeting held by teachers all around the world in an effort to work together for better  On the first night, which was a standard Teachmeet in a very open forum, I was fortunate enough to present. I decided to talk about IT Systems, this included  Since the beginning, Elish Sheridan and her colleagues have used a TeachMeet format to share their effective uses of the UDL framework when planning and  TeachMeets are informal, engaging and organic meetings for teachers to share Combining observations, feedback apps and a Learnometer, we attempted to  TeachMeet. “Our Fragile Planet” MOOC Meet the Teachmeet moderators!