Kliniska prövningar på Endolymphatic Hydrops - Kliniska
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Title Imaging endolymphatic hydrops at 7T MRI: validation of internal inner ear structures on T2w as markers of endolymphatic hydrops and a comparison of diagnostic outcomes with 3T MRI Duration of study 24 months Study design Prospective cohort study Number of patients 16 patients Primary objectives 1. Assess the reproducibility and confidence in detecting a series of internal inner ear The borders of the endolymphatic and total lymphatic space were contoured on the axial MRI slices to evaluate the volume of hydrops in both the cochlear and vestibular regions. Statistical Tests Paired and unpaired t ‐tests, the Mann–Whitney U ‐test, linear discriminant … 2020-06-05 MRI of endolymphatic hydrops in patients with Meniere’s disease: a case-controlled study with a simplified classification based on saccular morphology. European Radiology, Vol. 27, Issue.
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Recently MRI resolution has become good enough that it is possible to image the inner ear and diagnose hydrops from normal using imaging. Dye must be used in this situation. Title Imaging endolymphatic hydrops at 7T MRI: validation of internal inner ear structures on T2w as markers of endolymphatic hydrops and a comparison of diagnostic outcomes with 3T MRI. Duration of study 24 months. Study design Prospective cohort study. Number of patients 16 patients.
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The appearance on MRI was no different than in patients with EH who have not had surgery. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates the persistence of endolymphatic hydrops in patients who have failed endolymphatic shunt surgery.
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Primary objectives Background: The aim of this study was to identify the incidence of endolymphatic hydrops using 3-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (3D-FLAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the contralateral ear in patients with unilateral Ménière's disease (MD). Visualization of endolymphatic hydrops (ELH) has become possible using 3T- MRI performed with an intratympanic (IT) or intravenous (IV) injection of gadolinium (Gd) [8,9], and this is now an important tool for the diagnosis of ELH-related diseases, such as Meniere's disease and delayed endolymphatic hydrops (DEH) [10,11]. Objectives Endolymphatic hydrops (EH) can be studied in patients by MRI. With the semi-quantitative grading system, previous imaging studies showed discrepancies in the occurrence and grading of The diagnosis of endolymphatic hydrops is usually made based on clinical symptoms with some assistance from otological functional tests. Recently, the objective diagnosis of endolymphatic hydrops by MR imaging has become possible and many research results have been reported regarding the imaging methods, evaluation methods, the correlation Results: 3D-FLAIR MRI clearly revealed that the gadolinium entered the perilymphatic space and delineated the perilymphatic and endolymphatic spaces of the inner ear. In patients with endolymphatic hydrops, the perilymphatic space surrounding the endolymph was small or had disappeared. Summary: Endolymphatic hydrops, the primary pathologic alteration in Menière disease, can be visualized by using delayed intravenous contrast-enhanced 3D-FLAIR MR imaging.
Different studies have investigated the correlation of MRI EH findings with clinical and cochleovestibular tests, for validation and evaluation of treatment response in patients with Ménière’s disease. 2018-12-17
The aim of this study is to compare 3 methods for the diagnosis of endolymphatic hydrops (EH) in patients with Meniere's disease: MRI 3 Tesla (to visualise EH directly), and functional explorations, namely electrocochleography and dephasing of acoustic distortion products (which …
MRI may reveal EH in some cases among patients with RPV, suggesting a similar pathophysiological mechanism in comparison with MD. Key points • MRI may reveal endolymphatic hydrops in some patients with recurrent peripheral vestibulopathy. • We suggest a similar pathophysiological mechanism in recurrent vestibulopathy and Meniere’s Disease.
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Different studies have investigated the correlation of MRI EH findings with clinical and cochleovestibular tests, for validation and evaluation of treatment response in patients with Ménière’s disease.
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homeostasis in mice using endolymphatic hydrops, a hallmark of inner ear dysfunction as read- out and MRI as method. Diabetes will be studied in relation to Där har jag sökt på "endolymphatic hydrops MRI" publikationer sista året = 10 st.
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Assess the reproducibility and confidence in detecting a series of internal inner ear The borders of the endolymphatic and total lymphatic space were contoured on the axial MRI slices to evaluate the volume of hydrops in both the cochlear and vestibular regions. Statistical Tests Paired and unpaired t ‐tests, the Mann–Whitney U ‐test, linear discriminant … 2020-06-05 MRI of endolymphatic hydrops in patients with Meniere’s disease: a case-controlled study with a simplified classification based on saccular morphology. European Radiology, Vol. 27, Issue. 8, p. 3138.