Infor Xtreme Support has been removed from both the primary and secondary drop-down list on My Profile. We have recently identified a large list of users who had Infor Xtreme Support defined as their primary or secondary product line in the user profile. This has impacted the user’s ability Infor Xtreme Communities will open with browser buttons enabled Previously, the Communities link was coded in such a way so that the page opened and the user did not have access to the browser navigation (back, forward, home, favorites, and settings) Infor Healthcare Town Hall ad has been removed The Infor Healthcare Town Hall ad has been removed from the Infor Xtreme home page as the event was held on December 17th. Incidents Added an update to contribute to closed incidents without re-opening A new icon will now display next to completed incidents in Incident Search, Incident Standard The Infor Xtreme Portal is getting a new name, and I think it’s about time. There is nothing “extreme” about it, so the name never made sense. It’s a support portal, where end users and Business Partners go to report issues, search the knowledge base, and access the latest software updates. Contacting Infor If you have questions about Infor products, go to the Infor Xtreme Support portal.

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For more information, visit Infor Xtreme Support at www.InforXtreme.com. To request an account to access the Infor Xtreme Support website, register online or call Client Care at (888) 284-4232. Infor Concierge is your one place for all things Infor. With the redesigned, mobile Infor Concierge, Infor customers can find personalized information relevant to their Infor services and solutions. This Support Portal gateway includes: At-a-glance graph of open support incidents, with access to status details; Fast and easy knowledgebase search The Infor Xtreme Portal is getting a new name, and I think it’s about time.

November 9-11, 2021. 2014-08-25 · Infor Xtreme Support - Xtreme Elite Redwing Shoes Testimonial Infor Xtreme Support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year through the customizable Xtreme Support portal. Remember me Please use your Infor Support Portal credentials Reset my password Error details.

Awaiting Infor Call Back This status is automatically set by the system when Customer Care updates the incident on the customer’s behalf, when the customer updates the incident directly through Infor Xtreme or with the Quick Infor has won a number of awards since its founding in 2002. The company has received several SIIA CoDie Awards, including the 2014 Best Healthcare IT Solution and Best Social Business Solution. In May 2015, Infor's XTreme Support won a Confirmit ACE (Achievement in Customer Excellence Award) for the seventh consecutive year. Learn more about the ultimate Infor customer event—for customers, partners, industry leaders, and Infor team members.

Infor xtreme

Learn more about the ultimate Infor customer event—for customers, partners, industry leaders, and Infor team members. November 9-11, 2021.
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OpenToken Infor Concierge. With Infor Concierge, users can find everything they need to know about their Infor services and solutions, including: Updates on support incidents; Quick views and voting on product enhancements; Dates for recommended classes; Information on product-specific education classes and webinars; Details on upgrades needed for the Author: Xtreme Support - Global Support Systems and Standards Publication Date: March 27th, 2013 Version: v 1.0 Intended Audience This guide is intended for all Infor Customers that use Infor Xtreme, information contained within the guide is purely for Infor Customers About this guide Remember Email. Reset my password Don't have an account? Sign up now current information on this system.

4 Mar 2021 Xtreme Support – This is the minimum plan, offering unlimited support through the Infor Xtreme Portal.
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Sie können die allgemeinen Richtlinien für den Lebenszyklus von Infor-Produkten hier einsehen. Sélectionnez une langue ci-dessous pour lire le document « Xtreme Support d’Infor : explications sur le plan » et bien comprendre les trois différents plans, les fonctionnalités proposées et leurs descriptions.

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