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Det finns Ca. 30% uppsida 730:- i Millicom, skriver Kepler

Investor Relations Manager Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom . Millicom International Cellular SA (NASDAQ U.S.: TIGO, NASDAQ Stockholm: TIGO_SDB) is an international telecommunications and media company which is a provider of fixed and mobile services dedicated to markets in Latin America and Africa. Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 20 3249 2460

Millicom investor relations

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696.8, 697, 577,321, 403,001,918. ISS Millicom Int. Cellular SDB. SEK, 335.1. 4.1. 1.2387.

Corporate Actions Stockholm - Repurchases of Own Shares

0.4. 0.0574.

Notification of Share Purchase Transaction by Millicom CEO

vänligen se fondens prospekt eller det aktuella faktabladet (KIID, Key Investor  En en hel rad andra bolag som Millicom, SCA och Duni lär också börja dela ut. Hur ser du på Boliden och dess framtid i relation till råvaror för Ta den aktie som har lägst kurs av Investor A och Investor B. Bolaget ger en OM RISKER MILLICOM är verksamma inom telekommunikation. Bola-.

Millicom investor relations

696.8, 697, 577,321, 403,001,918. ISS Millicom Int. Cellular SDB. SEK, 335.1. 4.1. 1.2387. Hon är även vice styrelseordförande i Millicom International Cellular, (eller Stefan Lycke, Head of Investor Relations; +46 73 699 27 14). Nyckelord: Investmentbolag, SIX Return Index, riskfri ränta, avkastning, risk. market hold up as an investment alternative in relation to the risk and return of the Millicom.
Kolla din besiktningsperiod

2019-05-02 · -END- For further information, please contact Investors: Press: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations Vivian Kobeh, Corporate +1 (786) 628-5270 Communications Director +1 (786 Repurchase of shares in Millicom Luxembourg, March 31, 2020 - During the period March 23, 2020 – March 27, 2020, Millicom repurchased a total of 10,358 of its Swedish Depository Receipts (SDRs), hereinafter referred to as shares within the framework of the repurchase program announced on February 27, 2020, details of which are shown in the table below. Teleoperatören Millicom redovisar ökande omsättning under fjärde kvartalet jämfört med samma period året innan. Bolaget rapporterar högre vinst. Millicom sänker utdelningen till 1 dollar från 2,64 dollar. Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +352 277 59094

Today, TIGO has solidified its place as an industry-leading convergent operator with a strong presence in 10 markets, primarily in Latin America, providing mobile services to Press: Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1-786-628-5300 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1-786-628-5303 About Millicom . Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1 786-628-5270 Sarah Inmon, Investor Relations Manager +1 786-628-5303 About Millicom Press: Vivian Kobeh, Corporate Communications Director +1-786-628-5300 Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +1-786-628-5270 Millicom was founded by Kinnevik almost 30 years ago. Since Millicom’s listing on Nasdaq Stockholm in 2004, Kinnevik’s Millicom investment has yielded significant dividends and returns to Kinnevik and its shareholders.
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Connections That Matter - Millicom

Tjänsterna som erbjuds inkluderar huvdusakligen tjänster inom mobil, tv och bredband, samt tillhörande tilläggstjänster. 2021-03-12 Millicom provides trading update Luxembourg, October 19, 2020 – In conjunction with previously-announced proposed financing activities, Millicom International Cellular S.A. is Millicom’s 2019 Annual Report receives ARC AwardLuxembourg, August 24, 2020 – Millicom, a leading provider of cable and mobile services operating under the TIGO brand in Latin America, has been recognized once again for its outstanding 2019 Annual Report, winning the ARC Award from the MerComm International Awards Programs for the second consecutive year. 2020-06-25 Millicom provides updated outlook during Investor Meeting in New York Wed, Jan 09, 2019 22:05 CET. Luxembourg, January 9, 2019 – Millicom’s common shares began trading on NASDAQ in the U.S. today under ticker symbol “TIGO”.To coincide with this important milestone, the company is hosting a meeting with investors and financial analysts to discuss its strategy and outlook. Millicom confirms end of talks regarding a possible offer for its shares Tue, Jan 22, 2019 22:10 CET. Luxembourg, January 22, 2019 – Millicom International Cellular S.A. (the Company) announced today that the preliminary discussions regarding a possible offer for all the shares of the Company have been terminated by Liberty Latin America Ltd without an offer being made.

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Harmonic today announced that Millicom, a leading provider of cable and mobile services in Latin America, primarily operating under the TIGO  End - Adevinta Investor Relations Marie de Scorbiac Head of Investor Remuneration of Executives by distribution of Millicom shares  Kinnevik äger cirka 35% av aktierna i Millicom och avser att delta i erbjudandet. Henrik Persson, Investor Relations +46 (0) 8 562 000 87 Investment AB Kinnevik ("Kinnevik") meddelade idag att man har köpt 4.050.000 aktier i Millicom International Cellular S.A. ("Millicom") och 35 MUSD i Henrik Persson, Investor Relations tel +46 (0) 8 562 000 87 mob +46  Investment AB Kinnevik (”Kinnevik”) tillkännagav idag att man 000 00 Henrik Persson, Investor Relations +46 (0) 8 562 000 87 Investment AB  Africa Division at Millicom International Cellular, CCO Group of Ooredoo, Vice President of Partnerships & … Investor relations hub for Telenor shareholders;  Investors: Michel Morin, VP Investor Relations +352 277 59094 Mauricio Pinzon, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44  av N Gerdås · 2006 — Titel: Investor Relations – en jämförande studie mellan nya och gamla branscher. Bakgrund: Syfte: Intentionen med uppsatsen är att ge en bild av svenska företags IR aktiviteter på.