Judith Schalansky - Uppslagsverk - NE.se
Giraffens hals - Solna bibliotek
Die gewollte sprachliche Unscheinbarkeit und Nüchternheit, in denen sich Inge Lohmarks Charakter spiegelt, wird durch den Reichtum der Natur gesprengt, der bei Schalansky nicht nur ein stofflicher und optischer, sondern auch ein begrifflicher ist. Judith Schalansky’s Atlas of Remote Islands (2009) goes so far as literally to draw an entire atlas of islands, each of them given a short description -- really, a prose poem -- on the facing page. Each entry is headed with a selective timeline and a set of distances to other far-away places, together with a thumbnail hemispheric sketch to show the island’s location. Judith Schalansky, born in Greifswald in 1980, lives in Berlin and works as a writer, book designer, and editor (of the prestigious natural history list at Matthes und Seitz). Her books, including the international bestseller Atlas of Remote Islands and the novel The Giraffe’s Neck, have been translated into more than twenty languages.
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Judith Schalansky är född i Greifswald 1980 och har studerat konsthistoria och kommunikationsdesign. Hennes böcker, däribland den Eftersom hon föddes på fel sida om Berlinmuren var det bara genom fantasin som Judith Schalansky kunde resa. Med denna bok har hon skapat sin egen atlas, I Judith Schalanskys roman kämpar en biologilärare med att följa naturens lagar och kväsa begäret efter ouppnåeliga frukter, men sviktar till slut i sin tro på av: Judith Schalansky. »Det är alltid något som saknas. Ögat ser, hjärnan fyller i: brottstycken blir till byggnader, de dödas dåd blir levande, mer fantastiska och Pocket Atlas Of Remote Islands · Judith Schalansky Inbunden.
Linda Östergaard - Översättarcentrum -
AVLÄGSNA ÖAR Som liten satt Judith Schalansky hukad över föräldrarnas kartböcker och längtade bort. Hennes fascinerande bok om öar är en hyllning till dessa imaginära resor. N: Schalansky, Judith : Öppettider for Bagarmossens bibliotek: Nej (0 av 1) Enskede bibliotek: 2020-12-20 : Vuxen : Hylla : N: Schalansky, Judith : Öppettider for Enskede bibliotek: Nej (0 av 1) Farsta bibliotek: 2020-12-09 : Vuxen : Hylla : N: Schalansky, Judith : Öppettider for Farsta bibliotek: Ja (1 av 1) Fruängens bibliotek Judith Schalansky föddes i Greifswald i dåvarande Östtyskland 1980.
Linda Östergaard Översättarsektionen
Dieser kurze Text über das Werden und Vergehen verdient es, gesondert publiziert zu werden. Judith Schalansky, born in 1980, studied art history and communications design, taught typography at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, and today works as a freelance writer and book An Inventory of Losses by Judith Schalansky, translated from the German by Jackie Smith (2021 International Booker Prize longlist) Quite frankly, I struggled through this book. The writing was gorgeous, the translation superb. The following is excerpted from Judith Schalanksy's novel, Inventory of Losses, newly translated by Jackie Smith.
Judith Schalansky (född 1980) är en tysk författare, formgivare och förläggare.
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En ö, en film, en världsreligion Boklördag har pratat förlust med henne. För Judith Schalansky är kartan ren poesi, hon har aldrig besökt de öar hon skildrar. Torgny Nordin har läst en bok om imaginära resor.
Through this book, I am led to wonder, Are we destined to lose and to forget? An Inventory of Losses by Judith Schalansky review – it can't last This playful meditation on lost objects, from paintings to actors and islands, is a satisfying mix of history, imagination and
Judith Schalansky’s An Inventory of Losses (238 pages; New Directions), newly translated into English by Jackie Smith, is a spell-binding meditation on the instinctive desire of humans to preserve everything despite the fact that everything will inevitably be lost. The book is divided into twelve sections, each dedicated to a specific place
With meticulous research and a vivid awareness of why we should care about these losses, Judith Schalansky, the acclaimed author of Atlas of Remote Islands, lets these objects speak for themselves: she ventriloquizes the tone of other sources, burrows into the language of contemporaneous accounts, and deeply interrogates the very notion of memory. Wäre Judith Schalansky nicht so sympathisch, könnte man meinen, die Wortwahl wäre aufgesetzt bildungssprachlich und gewollt eloquent.
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Judith Schalansky – Alba
2013-02-15 Judith Schalansky, born in Greifswald in 1980, lives in Berlin and works as a writer, book designer, and editor (of the prestigious natural history list at Matthes und Seitz). Her books, including the international bestseller Atlas of Remote Islands and the novel The Giraffe’s Neck, have been translated into more than twenty languages. Judith Schalansky, born in Greifswald in 1980, lives in Berlin where she works as a writer, editor and book designer. Her work, which includes the internationally successful bestsellers Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln and the novel Der Hals der Giraffe, has been translated into more than twenty languages and has won several prizes.Verzeichnis einiger Verluste was longlisted for the 2021 2020-12-08 Judith Schalansky, born in 1980, studied art history and communications design, taught typography at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, and today works as a freelance writer and book JUDITH SCHALANSKY’S An Inventory of Losses, originally published in German in 2018 and out in English translation this November, is a paean to 12 tiny wonders of the world.If you drew a map of 2021-04-21 2021-03-02 2011-04-15 2020-11-30 Judith Schalansky: Kaukaisten saarten atlas, Suomentanut Marko Niemi, käännöksen viimeistely Kristian Blomberg ja Raisa Marjamäki, Poesia 2020.
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2017-07-30 About Judith Schalansky . Judith Schalansky was born in 1980 in Greifswald in the former East Germany. She studied art history and communication design and works as a freelance writer in Berlin. Schalansky's previous book Atlas of Remote Islands Read more. Related Books 2020-09-24 Judith Schalansky, born in Greifswald in 1980, lives in Berlin where she works as a writer, editor and book designer. Her work, which includes the internationally successful bestsellers Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln and the novel Der Hals der Giraffe, has been translated into more than twenty languages and has won several prizes.