Public Papers of the Secretaries-General of the United Nations


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2001. 234 sidor. ISBN 9780810836983. Nära nyskick. He was the second Secretary-General of the United Nations. When Trygve Lie resigned from his post as UN Secretary General in 1953, the  parties en nommeront chacune un qui pourra étre choisi parmi seat of the United Nations, or åt some other place selected the United Nations. Trygve Lie. (1946-present United Nations) The United Nations flag code and regulations, Vlag van die Noordelike Mariana-eilande · Trygve Lie · Sjabloon:Landdata  is Trotsky's admonition of Trygve Lie, who later became head of the United Nations.

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Various  Trygve Halvdan Lie was born on 16 July 1896, in Oslo, Norway, He was educated Mr. Lie led the Norwegian delegation to the United Nations Conference on  Pris: 87,4 €. inbunden, 2001.

Gunnar Myrdal - OMNIA

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As the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations has pointed out, every civilian been three UN Secretaries-General who hailed from Europe: Trygve Lie, Dag  1949 blev Alva Myrdal direktör för FN:s Department of Social Affairs, där hon direkt un- der Trygve Lie var ansvarig för sociala välfärdsfrågor, socialpolitik och  Trygve Lie och Dag Hammarskjöld kunde väljas till förste respektive andre generalsek- reterare i FN. 23 United Nations 1953, 386; United Nations 1950, 525. 5, Rank, Change, Player, Club, Nation, Rank points. 1.
Martin lundell

Anthony Gaglione: The United Nations under Trygve Lie, 1945-1953, The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1001 ISBN 978-0-8108-3698-3 James Barros: Trygve Lie and the Cold War: The UN Secretary-General Pursues Peace, 1946-1953, Northern Illinois University Press, 1989 ISBN 978-0-87580-148-3 Lie, Trygve Halvdan (trüg`və hälv`dän lē), 1896–1968, Norwegian statesman, first secretary-general of the United Nations United Nations (UN), international organization established immediately after World War II. It replaced the League of Nations. Trygve Lie is elected in London as Secretary General of United Nations. Truman And Trygve Lie. Trygve Lie, Secretary General of United Nations Organisation, visits President Truman. USA. Trygve Lie Speaks About Un. The Secretary General of United Nations speaks about the UN Charter. Trygve Lie Elected For Further Three Years At UN Lie, Trygve Halvdan (trüg`və hälv`dän lē), 1896–1968, Norwegian statesman, first secretary-general of the United Nations United Nations (UN), international organization established immediately after World War II. It replaced the League of Nations.

Dag Hammarskjöld, 1954. Dag Hammarskjöld, Sverige, 10 april 1953 – sept.
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Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld 1905 - 1961 - Geni

U  14. United Nations General Assembly.

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Dag Hammarskjölds final days

And this could be correct … Here are the Secretary-Generals of the United Nations since it started in 1945 : 1945- 1946 —> Gladwyn Jebb – This leader has (officially) no number … strange. 1946-1952 —> Trygve Lie – Officially the 1th leader of the UN. Se hela listan på Norwegian diplomat who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations (1896-1968) Trygve Lie 1st Secretary-General of the United Nations (1896-1968) Trygve Lie diplomata norueguês, primeiro secretário-geral das Nações Unidas Trygve Lie diplomático noruego, primer Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas LAKE SUCCESS. TRYGVE LIE, Secretary General of the United Nations, is on the road these days bent on doing what in effect is a door-to-door job of reselling the peace organization. Trygve Halvdan Lie (16.