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Lits Camping, Stugby & Kanot, Lit: Se 9 omdömen, 18 bilder och bra Där var vi tvugna att packa ur alla kanoter och bära ner dom en och en för backen ut och
An oral history of a weird, scary, and unprecedented time in the University of Rochester’s history, told from libraries staff. Image. Collection Party your
The state of being so intoxicated (regardless of the intoxicating agent) that all the person can do is smile, so that they look lit up like a light. He's so lit he can't even talk. Pee. by Danimal August 27, 2004
The universal consensus: Leslie’s commentary was lit. 'Lit' has been a slang term meaning "intoxicated" for over a century. More recently, it has acquired the meaning "exciting," as well as a broader meaning along the lines of "excellent." Older Slang Usage of Lit
To be fair, that is certainly the most used definition of the word; in fact, the most popular Urban Dictionary definition of "lit" is, "The state of being so intoxicated (regardless of the
lit: [adjective] under the influence of marijuana; " high ".
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1: "I lördags stötte jag på en grabb, han var heeelt lit asså, han var helt jävla borta" 2 Download Image of Tågvagn. Lit. J.K.N. Ur album för Wagnfabriks Aktiebolaget i Södertälge 1893-1894.Mått i millimeter.Spårvidd: 600.Lastförmåga i kg: 4000. Inbrott i fritidshus i Lit – stal slägga och yxor ur förråd. Plus.
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Pee. by Danimal August 27, 2004 The universal consensus: Leslie’s commentary was lit. 'Lit' has been a slang term meaning "intoxicated" for over a century. More recently, it has acquired the meaning "exciting," as well as a broader meaning along the lines of "excellent." Older Slang Usage of Lit To be fair, that is certainly the most used definition of the word; in fact, the most popular Urban Dictionary definition of "lit" is, "The state of being so intoxicated (regardless of the lit: [adjective] under the influence of marijuana; " high ".
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