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41 Due to the fact that this code isn't something we classify ourselves, in the future, we recommend using an HS Code lookup service instead for faster results. EU country for business purposes · Distance selling of cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos or smoking tobacco to private individuals in Sweden · Excise product codes SIC CODES: 5511 , 5521. NAICS CODES: 441110 , 441120. Showing EU Verkstad AB. Country: Malmö, Skåne, HS bilservice & Bilvård KB. Country: Malmö Initially, this list included most countries from Western and Northern Europe, Husted, L., H. S. Nielsen, M. Rosholm and N. Smith (2001), Employment and employment because the "nationality code" used to identify it is often not filled in. Warranty · Repair Info · FAQs · Serial Numbers · Serial Number Lookup. Gallery The Championship · Panama Red · Country Boy HS · Vintage HS · Standard Bearclaw European Spruce (1); Bearclaw Figure Swiss Spruce (4); Bearclaw Figured ZIP Code.
Call the Dutch Customs office if you need help finding the correct HS code for your product. The number is 0800–0143 (from outside the Netherlands: + 31 45 574 30 31). You can also enlist the help of a customs consultation bureau, or an expeditor (company directory, in Dutch). HS codes are made up of 4 parts, adding up to 10 digits in total. Each part provides more detailed information about the product — starting with the ‘chapter’, which describes the industry, and ending with a country-specific code which describes the particular product. The HS is a description and coding system aimed at providing a worldwide uniform classification of goods. Building on this six digit code, the HS is extended with two digits by the combined nomenclature (CN) of the European Communities (places 7 + 8 of the code number, see Annex I to the said Regulation).
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3501 – 3507. Finding the correct HS code . Do you want to find out the product code yourself? Here's how you do it: Go to the TARIC goods nomenclature database on the Dutch Customs website. Switch the language to English in the top right hand corner. Choose Nomenclature in the menu. Press Search by text.
CIAA (2007), HS codes for EU processed food and drink, sammanställning producerad av avdelningen för X-rates (2007), historic lookup, Analyserna av världshandeln och EU:s interna handel utgår från exportstatistiken CIAA (2007), HS codes for EU processed food and drink, sammanställning producerad av avdelningen X-rates (2007), historic lookup,
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The HS is a description and coding system aimed at providing a worldwide uniform classification of goods. Building on this six digit code, the HS is extended with two digits by the combined nomenclature (CN) of the European Communities (places 7 + 8 of the code number, see Annex I to the said Regulation). European Union Taric correlation table is available on for subscibers. This unprecetended application allows you to easily and interactively query CN Codes which are no longer valid in the year 2018, and the new CN codes which replace them (i.e.
The Harmonized Systems (HS) is linked with the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the various countries where you want to export to, for example the one of the United States. Depending on the HS code that you assign to your goods, you will have to pay import duties. Welcome to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule reference tool.
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Therefore, when an 8 digits HS Code is shown as a result of your search, you need to take the first 6 digits of that HS Code into consideration if the country of interest is not a part of European Union Customs Territory. HS Code Lookup: Categories and Sections. There are 21 Harmonized System Sections – the highest level of customs tariff code categorization. This HS code list is used to unify broad categories, like different types of vegetables (Section II, chapters 6-14).