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Contextual translation of "gles" into English. Human translations with examples: thin, loose, sparse, battens, woodland, sparsity, coarse coding, diagonal matrix. dict.cc English-Swedish Dictionary: Translation for glest. Swedish-English online dictionary (Engelsk-svensk ordbok) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. Evolution of REAL TIME STRATEGY Games playlist: http://bit.ly/Evolution-RTS★Buy CHEAP RTS Games https://www.g2a.com/r/buy-cheap-rts-games(* Use SHD code for Glest ports: Several packages are available for Linux and other platforms. Data and cross-platform source code are available at SourceForge.
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glest befolkade - English translation – Linguee Look up in Linguee med relativt få enheter på en given yta: en gles skog, väv (stort avstånd mellan träden respektive trådarna), en glest befolkad trakt (med få invånare långt från varandra) (motsats: tät) || -t; -are Shop the latest fashion online and view new collections for Adidas Originals, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren and much more. We deliver worldwide. Contextual translation of "glest" into English. Human translations with examples: sparse grid, very ~loose. Swedish Translation for [glest] - dict.cc English-Swedish Dictionary Glest ports: Several packages are available for Linux and other platforms. Data and cross-platform source code are available at SourceForge. Tools: Can be used to modify the entire game.
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GLEST - Translation in English - bab.la
A world full of fun, educational videos and children's songs to learn English with Pocoyo, Nina and their friends. 2014-11-10 Evolution of REAL TIME STRATEGY Games playlist: http://bit.ly/Evolution-RTS★Buy CHEAP RTS Games https://www.g2a.com/r/buy-cheap-rts-games(* Use SHD code for English: Glest, a free and open source computer game.
Sunnt , = tó , = untó , adv . Dertil . = with , glest , m . m .
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HERE are many translated example sentences containing "GLEST" - swedish-english translations and English translation of glest och lätt - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ. Swedish-English translations for glest. thinly. It seems to me that, underneath all of this, there is a fear that the budget will be spread too thinly.
Skattereduktion för boende i vissa glest befolkade områden – regional skattereduktion (pdf 487 kB) Förslaget innebär att fysiska personer som den 1 november året före beskattningsåret är folkbokförda i vissa uppräknade kommuner, främst i Norrland och nordvästra Svealand, har rätt till en skattereduktion med 1 675 kronor per år att räkna av mot kommunal inkomstskatt. Albanian Translation for [glest] - dict.cc English-Albanian Dictionary
INTRODUCCIóN. Glest es un juego de estrategia en tiempo real libre, donde controlas los ejercitos de dos facciones completamente diferentes: Tech, que se compone de guerreros y artefactos mecánicos y Magic, que usa magos y criaturas invocadas en el campo de batalla.
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