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Pages: 1-231. January 2021. Tools. Submit an Article; Get content alerts; Subscribe to this journal; More from this journal Ethics Policy; Wiley Job N. Hosseinzade Nosrati, Invited Faculty Member of Management & Accounting Department ,University College of Nabi Akram, Tabriz, Iran.

International journal of health economics and management

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53, 2016. My research interests include health economics, development economics and of mobile health (Mhealth) interventions for older adults", International Journal  Eric Carlström är professor i health and crisis management vid Sahlgrenska Doctor of Philosophy in public administration and business economics (2005-11-11). International Journal of Health Planning and Management (IJHPM). in Sweden," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, in outcome business models," International Journal of Production Economics, for various program types," International Journal of Project Management, vol. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12 (2), 369-392, 2016 of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 2007. Johann PackendorffProfessor of Industrial Economics and Management, KTH Royal Institute Universities need leadership, academics need management: discursive tensions and Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2013 Action research and development coalitions in health care.

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It brings together individual specialties from different fields, notably health management, health policy, and health economics into a dynamic academic mix. Selected Journal: * International Journal of Health Economics and Policy.

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The links among management, public policy, payment, and performance are core topics of the relaunched journal. The focus of the International Journal of Health Economics and Management is on health care systems and on the behavior of consumers, patients, and providers of such services. The links among management, public policy, payment, and performance are core topics of the relaunched journal.

International journal of health economics and management

2021-4-12 · International Journal of Health Economics and Management. 2004 - 2021 Current editor(s): Leemore Dafny, Robert Town, Mark Pauly, David Dranove and Pedro Pita Barros From Springer Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing ().Access Statistics for this journal. Track citations for all items by RSS feed International Journal of Health Economics and Management publishes open access articles. Authors of open access articles published in this journal retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Visit our Open access publishing page to learn more. The focus of the International Journal of Health Economics and Management is on health care systems and on the behavior of consumers, patients, and providers of such services. The links among INT J HEALTH ECON MA 润色咨询 International Journal of Health Economics and Management 出版年份:暂无数据 年文章数:20 投稿命中率:暂无数据 出版周期:暂无数据 自引率:8.3% 审稿周期:暂无数据 2020-8-18 · Volume 20, issue 4 articles listing for International Journal of Health Economics and Management International Journal of Health Economics and Management | Acceptance Rate.
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Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 19 (2), 73-83, 2013. 200, 2013 International Journal of Industrial Organization 23 (9-10), 717-737, 2005. 119, 2005 Journal of Health Economics 49 (September), 109–119, 2016. 52, 2016. “Job Amenity and the Incidence of Double Work”, Journal of Economic Behavior The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 13:289-306.