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Dr. Marzita binti PutehDeputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International) Prof. Dr. Suriani binti Abu Bakar Deputy Vice Chancellor  Martine Dieschburg-Nickels, 5th Vice-President Vice President of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities Council of Europe Portal  Enable Portal. Enable. The Enable platform is designed to allow users to self- configure what they see when logging into the IRAP system. It is the new IRAP  For Applicants - Click the screenshot below to access the portal. Harvard affiliates (faculty, students, and staff) should always log in with Harvard Key. Questions  Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research. Antra Kalnins Content Specialist E: antra.

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Professor Pernilla Nilsson is the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Halmstad University since 2018. The appointm. Positiv framgång för moduler till Skolverkets portal. Vice Chancellor's Office. Management support, board/committee support, law, public procurement, archives, registrar.