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Fuel efficiency, world-leading hybrid technology, efficient maintenance solutions, renowned safety and outstanding uptime are all Volvo hallmarks. As Volvo Trucks continues to innovate, a focus is on building value for trucking fleets and driving efficiency and productivity for drivers.. That is evident in the new line of trucks the company’s global operation announced in Europe on Feb. 27, and it was evident in a conversation FreightWaves had in Atlanta this week with Volvo Trucks North America (VTNA) representatives Allison Athey INCREASED UPTIME THANKS TO VOLVO ACTIVE CARE. The global rollout of Volvo ACTIVE CARE is another unique industry first by Volvo CE. It takes the number-crunching out of machine telematics – thanks to the combination of fleet monitoring and comprehensive, actionable machine reports. Servisní smlouva Volvo Uptime Care Se službami konektivity zlepšujeme vaši provozuschopnost. Servisní smlouva Volvo Uptime Care znamená optimalizovaný serv Volvo Trucks MX. 123,578 likes · 99 talking about this · 32 were here. Bienvenidos al volante de Volvo Trucks!

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To maximize the uptime of your Volvo Wheel Loader, make it a habit to do a walk-around and check the machine’s brake system and engine. Keep track of the Die Volvo Lastvagnar vet att kunderna förlorar pengar när lastbilarna inte rullar. Därför är Volvo Action Service-medarbetarna på Uptime Center tillgängliga dygnet runt. Uptime Center hanterar nästan 20 000 ärenden i månaden. Antalet växer i takt med att det tillkommer nya tjänster i erbjudandet. Volvo erbjuder operatörer med en större bussflotta, fullt utrustad verkstad och utbildade tekniker skräddarsydda lösningar för leverans av reservdelar, inklusive logistik, samt en specificerad månadskostnad för reservdelar inom avtalade ramar. Volvo’s creature comforts might impress drivers—“When we put drivers in a Volvo for the first time, they are so impressed they can’t believe they haven’t driven one before,” Oakley says—but it’s the Volvo technology maximizing uptime that wins drivers’ hearts and wallets.

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Our agents are the  Volvo CE har startat ett "uptime-center" som ska hjälpa till att upptäcka fel på maskinerna och vidta förebyggande åtgärder. Centrat är  Nicolas Lopez Appelgren.

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To maximize the uptime of your Volvo Wheel Loader, make it a habit to do a walk-around and check the machine’s brake system and engine.

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The Volvo Uptime Center The road is an unpredictable place.
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A Volvo Gold Contract guarantees the best possible truck uptime. That is why our Visit your local site. Learn more volvo ce lanserar emea uptime center 2019-06-20 Av Press Information I sin strävan att bli kundernas förstahandsval för drifttid i Europa, Mellanöstern och Afrika har Volvo CE satt samman ett dedikerat team som proaktivt ska hjälpa Volvoåterförsäljare att tillhandahålla lösningar på problem som kan leda till minskad drifttid. Volvo Action Service. Volvo Action Service offers 24/7 assistance anywhere in Canada and the United States.

To maximize the uptime of your Volvo Wheel Loader, make it a habit to do a walk-around and check the machine’s brake system and engine. Keep track of the Die Volvo Lastvagnar vet att kunderna förlorar pengar när lastbilarna inte rullar. Därför är Volvo Action Service-medarbetarna på Uptime Center tillgängliga dygnet runt. Uptime Center hanterar nästan 20 000 ärenden i månaden.
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This gives you more time to focus on your operation, helping to reduce unplanned downtime and minimize repair costs. Volvo Action Service offers 24/7 assistance anywhere in Canada and the United States. Just a phone call connects you to a member of our highly trained Uptime experts, who can quickly manage service, schedule repairs, and tackle any other issue that happens on the road. Call 1-800-52-VOLVO VOLVO UPTIME CENTER Your digital home for a more profitable transport operation.

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Kerstin M. Stenberg. Head of Transformation at Uptime Volvo Car Group. Uptime, Volvo Car GroupChalmers University of Technology.