Gunhild Stordalen Nights


Gunhild Stordalens fina ord till Petter: "Utan dig..." - Nyheter24

Founder & Executive Chair, EAT Foundation. Together with Petter A. Stordalen, Gunhild established the Stordalen Foundation in 2011, under which she later founded the “EAT Initiative” together with Professor Johan Rockström and the Stockholm Resilience Center (SRC). The Wellcome Trust and the Stordalen Foundation will each invest £3 million in EAT Foundation over the next 3 years to support policy and science. The third EAT Food Forum will take place in Stockholm in June 2016. Gunhild A. Stordalen (born 1979) is a Norwegian medical doctor and environmentalist, and holds a PhD in pathology/orthopaedic surgery from the University of Oslo. She is the co-funder and chair of the Stordalen Foundation, which she established in 2011 together with her husband and Norwegian hotel chain owner Petter A. Stordalen.

Stordalen foundation

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Gunhild hälsar  Norska mångmiljardären och hotellkungen Petter Stordalen köper den filantropiska stiftelsen The Stordalen Foundation som fokuserar på  Och kärleken. GUNHILD STORDALEN (f. 1979) är läkare och miljöaktivist. Hon är ordförande i Stordalen Foundation, som bl.a. står bakom organisationen EAT. Gunhild Stordalen slåss inte bara för miljön utan också för sitt eget liv.

VIDEO: Stordalen om hur vi kan rädda världen - Nordic Choice

She serves on several executive and advisory boards, such as the Scaling Up Nutrition Gunhild A. Stordalen is the founder and executive chair of EAT. She is a driving force linking climate, health and sustainability issues across sectors to trans form the global food system. Together with Petter A. Stordalen, Gunhild established the Stordalen Foundation in 2011, under which she later founded the “EAT Initiative” together with Professor Johan Rockström and the Stockholm Gunhild A. Stordalen is the founder and executive chair of EAT. She is a driving force linking climate, health and sustainability issues across sectors to transform the global food system.


At the annual Zero-conference in 2011 the couple secured their personal acquaintance Arnold Schwarzenegger as keynote speaker. Stordalen Foundation Apr 2015 - Present 6 years 1 month. Intern Nordic Choice Hotels Jun 2015 - Aug 2015 3 months.

Stordalen foundation

Namn: Gunhild Anker Stordalen Gör: Läkare med doktorsgrad i patologi och ortopedisk kirurgi.Miljöaktivist, grundare av och verkställande ordförande för EAT, en oberoende stiftelse med fyra huvudpartner: The Stordalen Foundation, Stockholm Resilience Center, Wellcome Trust och Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact research. Gunhild Stordalen. Gunhild Stordalen, norsk läkare och grundare och styrelseledamot av Stordalen Foundation samt VD i miljöstiftelsen GreeNudge har länge arbetat aktivt för klimatfrågor världen över och ser en koppling mellan klimat och hälsa.
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She is a medical doctor from the University of Oslo. Together with her husband Petter A. Stordalen,   Curated profile of Petter Stordalen, Owner and CEO, Home Properties including research programs through The Stordalen Foundation, established in 2011. Dec 10, 2019 Petter Stordalen got his start selling strawberries at age 12. GreeNudge, a subsidiary of the Stordalen Foundation, was founded by Gunhild  Stordalen, Gunhild established the Stordalen Foundation in 2011, under which she later founded the EAT Initiative together with the Stockholm Resilience Center (  Happy Birthday to my best friend and love of my life, Petter A. Stordalen!

EAT - Stockholm Food Forum Gunhild A. Stordalen is the founder and executive chair of EAT. She is a driving force linking climate, health and sustainability issues across sectors to trans form the global food system. Together with Petter A. Stordalen, Gunhild established the Stordalen Foundation in 2011, under which she later founded the “EAT Initiative” together with Professor Johan Rockström and the Stockholm Our Founder and Executive Chair Dr. Gunhild Stordalen is appointed a leading role at the UN Food Systems Summit The Special Envoy for 2021 Food Systems Summit Agnes Kalibata, announced today that Gunhild is appointed one of the leading roles at the UN Food Systems Summit.
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Yrke: Läkare med PhD i ortopedi/patologi, grundare av och ordförande i Stordalen Foundation och GreeNudge, grundare och vd för EAT. The Stordalen Foundation; The Stordalen Foundation Intervju. Petter Stordalen – Älska det du gör.

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Petter Stordalen Archives

Gunhild A. Stordalen is the founder and executive chair of EAT. She is a driving force in linking climate, health and sustainability issues across sectors to transform the global food system. Together with her husband Petter A. Stordalen, Gunhild established the Stordalen Foundation in 2011, under which she later founded the EAT Initiative together with Professor Johan Rockström and the Namn: Gunhild Stordalen Ålder: 34 Bakgrund: Legitimerad läkare, VD i GreeNudge samt styrelseordförande i Stordalen Foundation samt styrelsemedlem i Nordic Choice Hotels. Familj: Gift med Petter Stordalen, inga barn, men en minigris och en hund (schäfer) Fritidsintressen: Jag känner mig priviligierad att få arbeta med det som jag brinner för. Grieg Foundation is a small foundation with big ambitions. Established in 2002, Grieg Foundation derives from a long and proud maritime tradition which began Gunhild Stordalen. Gunhild Stordalen är en norsk läkare, filantrop och miljöaktivist.