AddLife AB - 556995-8126 - Stockholm - Se Nyckeltal - Proff
Kristina Willgård - CEO and President - AddLife AB LinkedIn
Kristina Willgård became the CEO of AddLife AB (publ) in 2015.This report will, first, examine the CEO compensation levels in comparison to CEO compensation at companies of similar size. Kristina Willgård has been the CEO of AddLife AB (publ) since 2015, and this article will examine the executive's compensation with respect to the overall performance of the company. This analysis will also evaluate the appropriateness of CEO compensation when taking into account the earnings and shareholder returns of the company. Kristina Willgård has been the CEO of AddLife AB (publ) since 2015, and this article will examine the executive's compensation with respect to the overall performance of the company.
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Inom koncernen återfinns specialisering främst mot diagnostik, medicinteknik och biomedicinsk forskning. Verksamhet innehas främst i Norden och Baltikum med kunder inom vård och omsorg, samt forskningsinstitut. Addlife bildades under 2015 vid en avknoppning ur Addtech. Independent players within the Life Science sector is well-needed to meet the growing market demands and challenges given what the healthcare sector is facing,” says Kristina Willgård, CEO AddLife AB. AddLife AB currently holds 25 subsidiaries with clients operating in the healthcare, laboratories and research in the private and public sectors. AddLife PH, Meycauayan City, Bulacan Philippines.
BÖRJESSON ▷ Svenska Översättning - Exempel På
Other executives include Birgit Stattin, Director; Johan Sjö, Chairman of the Board and 2 others. See the full leadership team at Craft. Kristina Willgård, VD AddLife AddLife is expanding into a new segment of ophthalmology, eye surgery, through the acquisition of Vision Ophthalmology Group, which has sales of approximately SEK 700 million. AddLife is a listed Swedish Medtech company active on the European market.
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Sell-side Analyst as well as various financial positions in large corporates including treasury, financial reporting and financial planning and IR activities. AddLife är en koncern med verksamhet inom life-science sektorn.
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AddLife is an independent player in the Life Science industry that offers high-quality products, services and advice to both the private and public sectors, mainly in the Nordic region and rest of Europe. Välkommen till Stora Aktiedagen Stockholm 2020 (digitalt evenemang) Stora Aktiedagen är ett starkt varumärke inom finansbranschen och arrangeras av Aktiespararna. Årets upplaga blir ett digitalt evenemang utan publik på plats.
According to a letter answer from Skatteverket (the Swedish Tax Agency), Comments by the CEO Niklas Stenberg Comments by the CEO Niklas Stenberg.
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Congratulations!!!🎉 🏆One Philippines International (OPi) awarded as 2019 World Class Philippine Company 🏆AddLife Herbal Coffee as 2019 World Class Philippine Brand Coffee ☕ 🏆The CEO and President of OPi Maam Ilona Esguerra as 2019 Pinaka Magandang Dilag #OPiWorldClassCompany #AddLifeWorldClassProduct Kristina Willgård became the CEO of AddLife AB (publ) in 2015.This report will, first, examine the CEO compensation levels in comparison to CEO compensation at companies of similar size. AddLife will release the year-end report on 3 February 2021 at 1.00 pm.
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BÖRJESSON ▷ Svenska Översättning - Exempel På
Chairman of the Board in Addtech, AddLife, Momentum Group, OptiGroup and Prosero Security Group. Senior Advisor at Nordstjernan IR - and press contact.